Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blogging - My Rules & Regulations

So..... hello to all you bloggers and followers of blogs! Is there a name for ya'll; like maybe blog-sters, blog-spotters or blog-stalkers? I like the last one myself, and am all for reading other people's random thoughts on a regular basis from the comfort of my own home!

I am joining this "blog - thang" a little hesitantly. This is because I am not one prone to addictions of any sort. No smoking, drinking (ok, not to excess - don't get crazy on me), gambling or chocolate benders in my recent past. That was, until Facebook came along. Innocently invited by friends to join, I have learned that I have to limit my time and only check once (ok, maybe twice) a day and not get to interested in people's lives that I haven't actually even seen since my High School Graduation. So here goes, I am now officially listing my own terms of agreement to use this site:

1. Posts will only be made on Sundays, as this is my official "Day of Rest".

Day of Rest from what, you say?

Chores, home improvement, hard labor and any organizing of any kind. Church attendance and taking a nap are the only requirements of the day, and only because these are the things I WANT to do on my day of rest!

Of course, this explicitly excludes:

  • the preparation of meals,

  • washing of laundry beginning at 6:00p.m. when I realize I have to work the next day and have nothing to wear,

  • bathing of dirty babies so I am not embarrassed to send them to school,

  • signing of school work to be returned to teachers,

  • enforcement of chores to be done by my children,

  • referee duties of said children to get the REAL story of who did what to whom.

  • tucking in and commencement of The Bedtime Routine.

Whew.... I need a day off! Ok, maybe I can post any day, because my day of rest is officially full!

2. Blogs will only be of something interesting to other people who may read it.

Wait. just. a. minute.

This is my blog. If you don't like it, make a comment! I love feedback, but be prepared to hear about how fabulous my kids are, or how they drive me crazy (all in the same day!). This is a place for random thoughts, yes? Ok. So be it. Randomness to follow, I promise!

3. Blogs will be honest, and reflect who I am right now.

Right. People will be reading this!

As a Wife, Mother, Career Woman, and Co-Manager of the Q-Crew, I will have my moments. Please bear with me. I love my Jesus, Family & Career.... but I am also a little girl at heart with big emotions & in need of some TLC! So, honesty is my policy. Thank God for GRACE and no need for perfection here!

4. No need for rules, since I detailed all the reasons my rules don't apply! Blog is a go!

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