While in San Diego, we stayed at the local UMC campus. It was an amazing church, very old and very traditional. On Sunday morning we had the opportunity to attend worship. I loved the psaltar reading, and as a runner will use this as a devotional before my future runs:
- I believe in God Almighty, who sets life before us like a course to be run, and gives us bodies and minds with which to run it.
- I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, who has shown us what it is to run with commitment, and has revealed in his resurrection the rewards to those who finish the course.
- I believe in the Holy Spirit, who breathes into us the strength to run long distances, the wisdom to pace ourselves, and the love to respect all other runners.
- I believe in the Church Universal, that gives us a sense of fellowship as we run, and the feeling that if anything happened on the course we would be supported by those who care.
- I believe in the Life Everlasting, where the course we have run in this life gives way to a course finer than any we have ever known, and where our spirits shall run with a grace and beauty we have not yet experienced.
- I believe- and because I believe, I run better! Amen.
I have been running for over a year now, and am really enjoying it. I started running as a way to release some STRESS buildup that seems to follow me around like a lost puppy. I now crave the run, although the furthest I have gone is 3.5 miles and my average is 12 1/2 minute miles. I am thinking of getting serious about it, and am going to run a 5k to see if I like competition while running. If I do, I might consider a 1/2 marathon. Hmmmm, the Las Vegas Marathon is December 8th. Rock and Roll Marathon no less.....
The gears are crankin'.......
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